Reflecting on a Charitable Summit

Three weeks ago, we had the honor of participating in a very special event at the Microsoft MVP Summit. As a part of the summit’s philanthropic spirit, MACONA was invited to place a collection box in the bustling halls of Building 33. Our simple box, adorned with our logo, became a beacon of generosity thanks to the many Microsoft MVPs and staff who offered their support.

The warmth and willingness to give was truly heartwarming. A heartfelt thanks goes to all the MVPs who extended their kindness, but I would like to extend a special mention to Jens Vestergaard, an MVP from Denmark, who didn’t let miles and borders deter his charitable spirit. Jens brought donations all the way from Denmark to support our cause. Please take a moment to appreciate his generosity by visiting his LinkedIn profile.

Thanks to every contribution, big or small, we packed a substantial amount of clothing, destined to bring warmth and comfort to the women and children awaiting our aid. However, as we were gearing up to send our love packed in boxes, the unforeseen incident of the cargo ship Dali hitting the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has caused some delays.

While our shipment was not aboard the Dali, the aftermath has affected all subsequent dispatches, including ours, now held at the Port of Baltimore. Despite the setback, we are actively working with the shipper to find alternative arrangements. The latest update promises a reroute of our container to New York, from where it will set sail to reach those awaiting these gifts.

In light of this delay, I assure you that our resolve is only strengthened, and our mission continues unabated. To add to our journey, MACONA is excited to announce that we’ve been invited to the Microsoft 365 Conference in Orlando, set to take place from April 30th to May 3rd, 2024. We are thrilled at the opportunity to organize another charitable drive, this time for T-shirts, and we eagerly await the chance to meet more of you there.

Until then, let’s continue to make a difference, together.

With gratitude,

Mimi Williams