The Journey of Giving: From Sourcing to Impact

Update: May 24th, 2024 (81 days since shipment)

At MACONA, our mission has always been to support women and children in need through dedicated efforts and unwavering commitment. Today, we are thrilled to share the latest update on our first shipment of aid to Africa in calendar year 2024, which has reached its final destination port after overcoming numerous challenges. This journey highlights the incredible dedication of our team, the generosity of our donors, and the resilience of our community. Let us take you through the timeline of this remarkable journey.


Our journey began with a heartfelt appeal for donations. Thanks to the overwhelming support from our community, we managed to gather a significant amount of food and clothing for those in need. The blog post, Nourishing Hope: MACONA’s Journey of Giving with Food and Clothing for All, captures the essence of this initial phase. The donations we received were carefully packed and prepared for shipment, with every item symbolizing the love and support from our donors.


The journey to deliver aid to Africa was met with unexpected challenges. Our shipment, which was supposed to take a straightforward route, was delayed due to the unfortunate crash of the ship Dali in the Port of Baltimore. This significant setback required rerouting, which further delayed the shipment. Despite these obstacles, our determination never wavered. The updates shared in our Reflecting on a Charitable Summit post kept our community informed and hopeful.

Working with our shippers we were able to get re-routed through initially New Jersey but then New York. Fortunately, we have partnered with individuals that are extremely resourceful and kept us informed every step of the way. That and our Air Tag trackers 🥳 If there is a lessoned learned here is to pack one in your suitcase for all your journeys.

TODAY (May 24th), we are delighted to announce that our shipment has finally reached its destination port in Mali. The tracking images show the meticulous journey from the United States to Kalabancoro, Bamako, Mali. The next final steps include clearing customs and distributing the aid through our on-ground partners.


The impact of these donations is profound. Women and children in need will soon receive essential food and clothing, thanks to the collective effort of our donors and team. This initiative not only provides immediate relief but also instills hope and a sense of community among the recipients. Our goal is to ensure that every item donated reaches those who need it the most, creating a lasting impact.


The journey from sourcing donations to delivering them to those in need has been filled with challenges and triumphs. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors and supporters who made this possible. Your contributions have not only provided essential aid but also inspired hope and resilience in our community. As we await the final step of distribution, we remain committed to our mission of giving and making a positive impact.

We encourage everyone to continue supporting our initiatives and join us in making a difference. Together, we can create a brighter future for those in need.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. We will share with you the distribution process once we are at that stage in our journey and the IMPACT you have directly contributed to!

Mariam (mimi) Williams