Success at TechCon365 & T-Shirt Drive Progress

Hello MACONA Family!

We are thrilled to share some exciting updates and heartfelt gratitude from our recent participation in the TechCon365 & PWRCON conference in Seattle. Over the last two days, MACONA had the honor of being provided space in the Community Booth for Microsoft MVPs and the Community area to host our T-Shirt Donation Drive. The response was nothing short of phenomenal! 🌟

A Huge Thank You! 🙏

I want to extend a sincere thank you to the conference organizers for giving us this incredible opportunity. Your generosity in providing us a platform has significantly boosted our efforts in collecting donations. A special shout-out goes to all the attendees, vendors, speakers, and everyone who visited our booth and donated. Your kindness and support have been inspiring! 🧡 We are also especially grateful to Ashley Wilhelm and Sharon Tate who took on the operations of getting us positioned for this success.

Our Impact So Far 📈

Thanks to your contributions, we have counted 45 articles of clothing, predominantly t-shirts, but we also received other valuable items. Each piece of clothing will go a long way in supporting those in need, spreading warmth and comfort. Seeing the donation box fill up was a testament to the amazing community spirit present at the conference.

Clothing Drive Progress 🚀

I am excited to share that we have made significant strides in our 2024 H1 1000 Tee Shirt Drive. Through this event and contribution, we have now raised 693 items towards our goal of 1,000 shirts! This means we are just shy of 70% of our target! Your generosity is making a real impact, and with continued support, we are confident we are even more confident that we should reach our goal before we complete H1 (1st half of the calendar year) or come very close! which is still a win for the impacted families that will benefit from these clothing.

For more details and to stay updated on our progress, visit our Campaign Wall.

Looking Ahead to Washington DC 🚀

We’re excited to announce that the next TechCon365 will be held in Washington DC in August 2024 and MACONA has been invited to participate once more. This is particularly special for us as MACONA is headquartered nearby. I am looking forward to personally attending the event and meeting the wonderful event staff and attendees. Let’s aim to make the next drive even more successful!

Join Us in Making a Difference 🌍

We’re always looking for more ways to engage and make a positive impact. If you couldn’t make it to the Seattle conference but still want to contribute, consider becoming a sustaining member through our Givebutter campaign or utilizing your company’s corporate matching program to double your impact. See this post to learn more Spring 2024 Donation Drive – Mimi African Charities (MACONA)

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Help us amplify our mission by sharing this post with your network. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change. 🌐✨

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Thank you for being a part of our community and for your continued dedication to making a difference. 💖

With immense gratitude,

Mariam “Mimi” Williams
Founder & CEO, MACONA