Big News: MACONA Teams Up with GiveButter for Donations!

Hey everyone,

I’ve got some exciting news to share from MACONA! We’re now partnering with a known and established donation platform called GiveButter. This is a big deal for us and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Why GiveButter?

GiveButter is this awesome platform that makes giving donations super easy. It’s great because now you can donate using PayPal, Venmo, or a credit card – whichever you prefer. This means no matter how you want to support us, it’s super simple and just a few clicks away.

Check Out Our Winter Campaign

To start things off with GiveButter, we’ve launched our Winter campaign. You can find it right on their website at Or, you can also go to our website at to find it. This campaign is all about continuing our work in Africa, helping with education, health, and lots of other important stuff.

Your Help Makes a Difference

Every donation, big or small, really helps us make a difference. What’s meaningful to you about GiveButter is that you can see how your donation is making an impact. We promise to use every donation carefully and make sure it really helps people. So, as we start this new chapter with GiveButter, I’m inviting you to be a part of it. If you are not already a member of our Newsletter please subscribe today! Your support has always been super important to us. With GiveButter, it’s even easier for you to keep helping.

Thanks so much for always being there for MACONA and for caring about our mission. Together, we can keep making life better for people in African communities.

Speak to you later,

Mariam Williams
Founder and CEO, Mimi African Charities (MACONA)