A day in the life of MACONA fieldwork

Every morning at MACONA, there’s a buzz of activity that starts with the sun. Today was no exception, and I was in the thick of it, sorting through generous donations that have come from all corners. These are not just clothes or items; they are messages of hope and support, destined for women and children in Africa.

Sorting and Packing

The process is meticulous but carried with love. We begin by sorting clothes on vast tarps in our garage at home, creating categories to ensure that each piece will meet the needs of its new owner.

Clothes on a Tarp for Donation from MACONA.ORG

From vibrant dresses to essential everyday wear, each item is inspected and packed with care.

Once sorted, these bundles of hope are transported to our warehouse. This is where the magic happens.

Storage for the Courier

I often roll up my sleeves and work alongside our dedicated volunteers to assemble packages. Today was no exception. We navigated through stacks of boxes and pallets of water

ensuring that each package will bring not just relief but also joy to its recipient.In our warehouse, shelves are lined with food items, each chosen for its nourishing qualities.

Jars of peanut butter, stacks of chicken bouillon, and rows of canned goods stand ready to fill hungry bellies. We also prioritize health, so toiletries like bar soaps are stacked neatly, ensuring that hygiene accompanies every food parcel.

Then, there’s the fridge, revealing rows of Swiss Miss and other treats. These are special; they’re meant to bring a taste of comfort, a reminder that the world has sweetness to offer.

To those who have donated, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you. Your kindness is the fuel that powers MACONA. Your donations are sorted with respect, stored with care, and shipped with a prayer that they will not just meet physical needs but also touch spirits.

As we pack these boxes, I’m reminded of the impact we’re making together. Each item packed is a life touched, a burden eased, and a step towards a brighter future. This is how your donations are spent; this is the impact you’re making. And for that, we are eternally grateful.

What’s Next?

Shipping takes a few weeks from pickup in containers that move across the ocean, we will follow up once the package arrives to our partners in Africa.

Amplify your Impact Today!

With warm regards,
Mariam (Mimi) Williams, Founder of MACONA

Outtakes and Bloopers