Nourishing Hope: MACONA’s Journey of Giving with Food and Clothing for All

Hello friends and supporters,

It’s Mariam here from MACONA.ORG with some uplifting updates on our Food Drive and the expanded Clothing Campaign. Your generosity is making waves, and I’m here to share the ripple effects.

648 Unit of food purchased

We’ve purchased with the aid of your generous cash donations a substantial amount of food: 96 cups of noodles, 240 packets of chicken ramen, 144 mac and cheese cups, and 168 mashed potato pouches. That’s 648 food items ready to nourish many, all thanks to your contributions.

These types of donations while it might seem simple will provide food to those who normally cannot afford or will go without a warm meal daily. The selection here represents the ability to be easily shipped and transported, does not spoil, and is easily distributed.

231 Article of clothing donated

Moving on to our clothing campaign, which began as the 1000Tees drive, we’ve broadened our horizons. We’re not just collecting T-shirts; we’re now welcoming all kinds of clothing donations. With 231 items already gathered, we’re on our way to reaching our goal and making a meaningful impact on those in need.

Check out our Campaign Wall to see all the work that we’ve been able to accomplish with our partnership of our generous donors.

What’s Next?

We’ve catalogued both the food and clothes and we’re making arrangements to send box(s) of clothes and food through our shipping providers. We estimate getting this to their warehouse within a week of this post.

How you can get involved

Your contributions are more than just items; they are gestures of hope and support. If you’re interested in furthering our cause, please consider making a donation. For contributions towards food and medicine, please visit this link: And for clothing donations, this is where you can make a difference:

Thank you for all that you’ve done and for what we will continue to do together. Your support is creating a better today and a brighter tomorrow.
Warm regards, Mariam (Mimi) Williams