Thank You to Atholton High School Students

At MACONA, we are continuously inspired by the generosity and community spirit of individuals and groups who support our mission. Today, we want to shine a spotlight on the incredible students of Atholton High School, who recently organized a donation drive to support our cause.

The Power of Youth Philanthropy

The students at Atholton High School, particularly the juniors in the leadership program, came together with a common goal: to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Their dedication and hard work culminated in a significant donation of clothes, shoes, books, and toys, which will go a long way in supporting our various programs.

These items will be distributed to underprivileged communities, providing much-needed support and bringing smiles to many faces. The generosity displayed by these young individuals is a testament to the power of youth-driven philanthropy.

A Day of Giving Back

The donation drive was a coordinated effort involving students, teachers, and parents. The enthusiasm and commitment were evident as they collected, sorted, and packed the donations. The day of the donation handover was filled with positive energy, and it was heartwarming to see the students so engaged and dedicated to the cause

I was fortunate to be invited to the school leadership class to meet these wonderful students and their teacher who led and drove this initiative. I was happy to tell them my story of how MACONA got started which we have summed up in the past in this post Why we do what we do. – Mimi African Charities (MACONA). I was left inspired by their thoughtful questions and feedback in the time I spent with them.

Making a Tangible Impact

The items donated by Atholton High School will directly support our initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for many families. Here are some specific ways their contributions will be utilized

  • Clothing: The donated clothes will be distributed to families in need, helping them stay warm and comfortable.
  • Footwear: Shoes of all sizes will ensure that individuals have proper footwear, which is essential for daily activities and work.
  • Books: The donated books will be given to children and families, encouraging literacy and a love for reading.
  • Toys: The toys will bring joy to children, offering them a source of comfort and happiness.

In addition to these items, the students also donated notebooks, binders, markers, pencils, feminine hygiene products, household items, toiletries, various food items, and a cash donation of $50.

A Message of Gratitude

To the students, faculty, and families of Atholton High School, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Your generosity and kindness have made a significant impact, and we are deeply grateful for your support. Your efforts have shown that when a community comes together, remarkable things can happen.

We want to thank you for making an impact:

  • Clothing Donation: 159 articles of clothes
  • Shoes: 13 pairs
  • Reading / Story Books: 158 books
  • Education Needs: 40 [assorted Notebooks, Binders, Markers, Pencils]

Continuing the Journey Together

At MACONA, we are committed to creating lasting change and making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. We are inspired by the example set by Atholton High School and look forward to continuing this journey together.

We encourage other schools and community groups to take inspiration from Atholton High School’s initiative and join us in our mission. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.

Thank you once again, Atholton High School, for your unwavering support and incredible generosity.

With heartfelt thanks,

Mariam “Mimi” Williams
Founder & CEO, MACONA