What we do

We support children and families to reach their full potential!

We fund, feed, clothe, provide medicine and help the women and children who need it the most.

We Find & Fund

We are in search of opportunities to help as many youths as possible. We approach and fund all those who are in need.

We Feed the Hungry

Through our donors and other charity we ship boxes of food to children in need an orphanages. These include baby formulas, canned food, cereal, and other essentials.

We clothe the poor

Many women and children go barefoot and have nothing to wear with dignity. We conduct clothing drives twice a year to raise thousands of clothing to assist.

We provide Medicine

With limited access to healthcare and cut off from access we send over the counter medications and women hygiene products in need.

We Build Schools

We sponsor and donate to literacy by funding school books, toys, games, that are educational through monetary and in kind donations 

We Strengthen

We believe that education, and employment gives people an inner strength to lead a better life. We look for and match opportunities for employment.