Why we do what we do.

Looking at this photo of kids from my old neighborhood in Mali, I’m reminded of my own childhood. We made toys out of what we had, and our pocket money was for treats we all shared. That’s the spirit of our home – we make a lot out of a little, and we do it together.

Children getting money to buy food
Kids in Bamako Mali

That’s the heart behind MACONA. We want to give these kids more – more books for learning, more healthy meals, more time for fun and games. We’re here to help them grow up with the chances they deserve, chances to become whatever they dream of.

We work every day to give these kids the things we didn’t have, like new schools and safe places to play. And we try to make sure they know they’re loved and that they matter. If you’ve got a little to share, it can go a long way here. Come see what we’re up to at MACONA, and if you can, join us in giving these kids a helping hand.

It doesn’t take much to make a big difference. A little from you could mean a world of difference to a child here. Your kindness could be the reason a child gets a new book or a healthy meal. And if you like, you can share our story with your friends and family, so they know about these wonderful kids too.

To make your impact today consider donating now here Donate Now. Together, we can make sure every child has a chance to shine.

With warmth and hope,

Mariam “Mimi” Williams Founder & CEO, MACONA